Thursday, July 28, 2011

...and where were we?

If you were to scroll down and start reading this blog from the bottom up, you would know that this blog served it's purpose, a final project for class. 

But for some reason I haven't been able to shake the idea of doing something more with this.

I've never been one of those people who shares the faith, let alone ideas about faith and religion freely and openly without anyone asking.

When I was working on this as a final project, I ended up finding solace and a sense of self satisfaction that I was actually living out what I was writing about. 

It's a weird feeling to actually be self-evangelized.

Catholicism - for me has always been something that I kept to myself when I wasn't around family or in the context of the Church.

Living in the type of society we do, I'm never really comfortable talking about religion. I always have believed that everyone has the right to disagree and I refuse to be one of those people who pushes personal morals and ideology on others. 

But for some reason, I can't help myself. I want to keep up with this. One would think, 'hey you did the assignment, you got your 'A' - why bother?'

And when I think about it -- to want and "bother" is the point.

All my life, I've always known that it's my calling as a baptized daughter of Christ to live out a life of grace. Living out that life is the battle. Like everything, life has it's up and downs and sometimes it's necessary to step back and collect one's thoughts.

Laying out feelings, random thoughts and stories only [and hopefully] brings clarity.

I don't want to pick up with this blog again and use it as a platform to "throw flowers and praise" at Jesus as a way to preach. I've never believed in the fanatics.

I think the real call of a modern Catholic, is just to live out life to their best of their abilities and to live that life in service and in love to God. [- Sounds easy… but of course - it's not.]  

Which brings me back to 'why bother?'  
I'm bothering because after the past year that I've had… I've learned a lot about myself and what it means to be Catholic, what it means to open up and what it means to forgive. As a way to keep on learning [and well healing] I just want to share my thoughts and anecdotes. 

This blog will never probably have true consistency, just know everything will some how fall under the umbrella of "The Call of a Modern Catholic" - My call.